AllowListRouteArgs: {
    merkleProof: Uint8Array[];
    merkleRoot: Uint8Array;
    minter?: undefined | Signer | PublicKey<string>;
    path: "proof";

The settings for the allowList guard that should be provided when accessing the guard's special "route" instruction.


The proof path allows you to provide a Merkle Proof for a specific wallet in order to allow minting for that wallet. This will create a small PDA account on the Program as a proof that the wallet has been allowed to mint.

route(umi, {
// ...
guard: 'allowList',
routeArgs: {
path: 'proof',
. merkleRoot: getMerkleRoot(allowList),
merkleProof: getMerkleProof(allowList, base58PublicKey(umi.identity)),

// You are now allows to mint with this wallet.

Type declaration

  • merkleProof: Uint8Array[]

    The Proof that the minting wallet is part of the Merkle Tree-based allow list. You may use the getMerkleProof helper function to generate this.

  • merkleRoot: Uint8Array
  • Optional minter?: undefined | Signer | PublicKey<string>

    The address of the minter to validate if it is not the payer. Here, we allow it to be a Signer for backwards compatibility but the account will not be used as a signer.

  • path: "proof"

    Selects the path to execute in the route instruction.

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