FreezeEscrowAccountDataArgs: {
    authority: PublicKey;
    candyGuard: PublicKey;
    candyMachine: PublicKey;
    destination: PublicKey;
    firstMintTime: OptionOrNullable<number | bigint>;
    freezePeriod: number | bigint;
    frozenCount: number | bigint;

Type declaration

  • authority: PublicKey

    The authority that initialized the freeze. This will be the only address able to unlock the funds in case the candy guard account is closed.

  • candyGuard: PublicKey

    Candy guard address associated with this escrow.

  • candyMachine: PublicKey

    Candy machine address associated with this escrow.

  • destination: PublicKey

    The destination address for the frozen fund to go to.

  • firstMintTime: OptionOrNullable<number | bigint>

    The timestamp of the first (frozen) mint. This is used to calculate when the freeze period is over.

  • freezePeriod: number | bigint

    The amount of time (in seconds) for the freeze. The NFTs will be allowed to thaw after this.

  • frozenCount: number | bigint

    Number of NFTs frozen.

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